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A Busy Season in Property Management

Holidays are normally a time where people get together with their family and spend quality time in their homes. However, this December has been surprisingly busy here in our office with prospective tenants actively looking for rentals. We've noticed a trend indeed: there are more renters out there then available rentals in our inventory! The Monday before Christmas I fielded over 30 voicemails of prospects looking for a new home. It seems the most sought after properties right now are 1 and 2 bedrooms (we are renting those much quicker than our bigger properties at the moment). It's certainly a good sign for what is too come in 2012 in the Property Management world; and, a busy rental market for us is GREAT news for our property investment owners. Always remember, PRANDI is here to service your rental needs. Visit us online today at, call our office at (415) 482-9988, or stop by (we're in downtown San Rafael on the corner of Third and D Streets). -- Matt Borries, Property Manager & Leasing Agent