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Great Marketing Tools

Google still offers a free tool called Feed Burner where you subscribe to blogs by email. This lets you see what most people click on (and therefore are popular keywords in your industry). This tool simply lets you check that your keywords are current with what people want to read. WordPress offers various widgets/plugins for a lot of their templates, allowing people to subscribe to your website. When they enter their contact information and sign themselves up, you can follow-up with them directly--adding them to your marketing lists. WordPress also has an option for 360 analytics in their plugins, in order to track where your traffic is coming from (MailChimp also has a great feature like this too AND they currently have a great app you can use with their service). Slideshare--presentations (powerpoint) (free download = all customized to YOUR accounts) – NAR – Professional Development – WCR (Facebook, Tweets, Videos) = tool content that let’s home owners read articles that has good information Create powerpoint presentations that you can turn into links with slideshare... Dropbox...whoever  isn't using a program like Box, YouSendIt, or Dropbox...come to the boat and get on board! Google offers Google docs these days***IS IT CALLED GOOGLE DRIVE NOW?***, and you can actually collaborate with a group of people on various documents (like Word or Excel sheets) or, you can simply share something with someone without them having the permission to edit them. Email number where someone can text you, or let's someone join your LinkedIn or Facebook network...or follow you on twitter...if you make the signature in Word, you can have your links and photos become linkable and then adjust the formatting...